Spares & accessories for your beloved Pipe such as Gauzes, Screens and Cleaning Solutions.
Smoking Pipe Accessories
One of the things we love the most about weed smoking pipes is the sheer amount of ways to accessorise your pipe. Many of the pipe accessories that we stock are absolute essentials such as pipe cleaners and screens, without these, you simply won't get the best pipe smoking experience possible, although that is not to say that you'll be weighed down with every bell and whistle!
Weed Smoking Pipe Screens
Pipe screens are essential accessories for your pipe, especially in the hole in the bowl is large enough for tobacco or herbs to fall through. These handy pipe gauzes are available either with a brass rim and shaped like a cone, or as a flat stainless steel screen. Simply place the screen in the pipe bowl so it's secure, then place your herbs on top; easy!
Not only will a pipe screen stop your tobacco or herbs from falling through into the pipe, you'll also inhale far less ash and save yourself the hassle of cleaning your pipe every time you take a hit.
Pipe Cleaners
Keeping your smoking pipe clean is very important. For one, you'll find the taste is much better when using a clean pipe but more importantly, harmful bacteria can build up in your pipe if left unchecked for a prolonged period of time.
Using a combination of pipe brushes and pipe cleaners such as Dr Green cleaning your pipe is an absolute breeze and doesn't take as long as you might think. Simply disassemble your pipe and put all the parts in a container, fill the container with your pipe cleaning solution and leave it to soak for 30 minutes. After waiting, use the pipe brushes as a tool to clean the inside of your pipe stem, then rinse with hot water to get rid of any remaining pipe cleaning solution and you're done!
Pipe Filters
Recently pipe filters have hit the scene and they are absolutely amazing. To use these pipe filters you first need to make sure you have a pipe that is compatible as these life-saving and tar reducing filters won't fit every pipe.
This is one of those pipe accessories that isn't really considered essential, but once you start using them you'll realise what a pleasure they are to implement into your pipe.
Pipe Smoking Accessories for Sale
With so many pipe accessories in stock at Ali Bongo we're super well-placed to look after all your pipe smoking needs. From filters that reduce the tar inhaled, cleaners that keep your pipe in perfect condition and essential screens and gauze, these accessories have been hand-picked by us for you.
Place any order of £40 or over with Ali Bongo and you'll get free UK delivery, we also have a next-day delivery service available, so you can grab our stock of accessories within just 1 day.