In our extensive cleaning section you will find everything you need to maintain all of your beloved bongs, pipes, vapes, storage solutions and much much more. With our cleaning fluids, brushes, wipes and more you will be able to keep your precious glassware and pipes sparkling and your vaporizers fresh and ready to use with their full potential at a moments notice. From 420 Wipes and the original RooR cleaner to simple and effective cotton tipped brushes ensuring you have the right cleaning supplies is a must.
Whilst it might not sound like the most exciting topic when talking about bongs, it is nonetheless super-important to keep your bong clean through the use of bong cleaners.
Why are Bong Cleaners so Important?
Having a dirty bong is no good. Whilst there are lots of techniques and tips out there to clean your bong with household products, to ensure an easy cleaning process we'd recommend purchasing a dedicated cleaning solution for your bong.
Our tried and tested bong cleaners will cure your bong of that terrible smell and prevent resin and dirty bits from building up in your bong quite so quickly. No matter if you have a glass bong, ceramic bong or acrylic bong, our range of cleaning products will help to keep your bong in tip top shape for the best smoking experience possible and keep the grime at bay.
Cleaning solutions for your bong have varying prices and start from as little as 99p and can be as much as £20 but they are a serious treat for your bong or pipe. All of the cleaners found here have been tried, tested and review by us at Ali Bongo and are all designed to get your bong back to its perfect state. Regular maintenance of your bong and frequently changing your bong water will help it to stay fresh and clear for smoking so its important to buy a dedicated bong cleaner.
How Do I Clean My Bong?
Cleaning your bong is really easy and doesn't take a very long time but this depends on the size of your bong. Percolator bongs can take a little bit longer to clean because there are some hard to reach places but this shouldn't put you off. Here's a really simple and quick way to clean your bong the best way.
- Remove any of your bong accessories including your bong bowl, drop pipe and ash-catcher if you have one.
- Pour out your old and dirty bong water and giving your bong a good rinse with some warm water.
- Get your chosen cleaning solution ready and put on some rubber gloves as some cleaners can be a little irritable to your skin.
- FIll your bong with your chosen bong cleaner and leave it to soak for 15 - 20 minutes (NOTE it's important to not use alcohol cleaning solutions with anything other than glass bongs).
- Give the bong a good shake to dislodge the resin and grime, you can use a pipe cleaner or bong brush to get to those hard to reach places if any of the dirt and grime is particularly stubborn.
- Empty the bong and rinse with hot water.
- To clean your drop pipe, bowl and ash catcher submerge them fully in a small bowl filled with bong cleaner and leave them for 20 minutes.
- Remove the bong accessories from the bong cleaner and rinse them thoroughly with warm water until clean.
For a full guide including all the best techniques and products to use you should check out our How to Clean Your Bong Blog the easy way.
Best Accessories to Clean a Bong
There are many useful accessories that are available to purchase that will make cleaning your bong an absolute breeze.
Pipe Cleaners and Bong Brushes
Pipe cleaners are essentially long pieces of wire covered in fabric that you can use to get to the difficult to reach places in your bong and pipe to get rid of the dirt and grime that accumulates over time. Bong Brushes are just larger versions of pipe cleaners.
Cleaning Solutions
Cleaning solutions like the RooR Bong Cleaner, Dr Green and Flying Skull Zero Resin are dedicated bong cleaner to be used specifically with your bong or pipe to get the best results.